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  • What a Week!

    This week was really good in so many ways. I literally had something going on every day that motivated, inspired, and taught me. Very rarely have I experienced weeks like this one. I hope I will have many more in the months and years to come. On Monday, I had the opportunity to see The Bechdel… Read More

  • The Arts and Me

    Today’s post is going to be short, because it’s a simple thing. This week, President Trump gave his 2019 Budget Proposal to Congress. This proposal included the elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts. I can only speak for myself, but I cannot stand the idea that our federal government considers the Arts so… Read More

  • Connect with Your Creativity

    On Friday night, I had the chance to attend the concert of one of my favorite bands — Connections. You may not have heard of them, but that’s ok. They’re awesome, and if they’re ever playing in your area, you should definitely check them out. All of their concerts are free, and they collect donations… Read More