Find a Way

Find a way. This was the advice given to me this weekend at the Acting Business Bootcamp. I completely lucked into this workshop, and I am so grateful for it, because it gave me such encouragement, and a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

It was a really long two days, but totally and completely worth it. I cannot express adequately how thankful I am for Peter Pamela Rose and this workshop. If you are an actor in New York, PLEASE do yourself a favor and sign up for her next Weekend Intensive. You will be SO glad you did. I promise.

After two full days of information about how to market myself, and how to find my type, and sharing stories with the other participants, my heart is full and my mind is heavy. I know exactly what steps I need to take, and I am excited to take them!

Last week, I was feeling really discouraged. We hadn’t yet found a place to live, Kendall hadn’t yet landed a job, and I was wondering if anything would ever work out how I thought it would. Today, I feel much different. Kendall still hasn’t found a job, and we still don’t have a place of our own; but we do have a place to stay until the 15th, and we will find a way.

I was able to take this workshop because of my determination to take advantage of opportunities that are presented to me. If I hadn’t followed through with the opportunity Sheri gave me to check out looping, I never would have known about Peter’s workshop, and I would be in the exact same spot today that I was a week ago – discouraged, scared, and depressed. Instead, I took the advantage I was given, and I feel encouraged, brave, and optimistic.

I am excited to see what happens between now and next week, because if this week was any indication, it’s bound to be exciting.